7 great impressions to leave when visiting your fiance/fiancee's parents
But when the time comes to be introduced to your fiance's popsy and momsy , how can you leave a lasting positive impression on them?
1. Dress Moderately
Nigerian parents are still generally impressed my moderate, modest dressing; so that should be where you start from.
ou want to impress them, not appear too flashy or flamboyant.
The Key is Modesty and Moderacy
Start with the basics. You need to look nice, well-groomed, and clean. Dress
2. Reduce or if possible desist from touching her
Understandably, you and fiance are often touchy and expressive with yourselves but around her parents, cool down with the physical contact.
Considering how Nigerian parents could be about pre-marital sex and all, you might want to avoiding kisses altogether.
3. Be Cool
Your girl’s family will be curious about your career, goals, and education. Don’t take it as a way of undermining you as a man, if, somehow you feel you do not match their expectation in these regards.
It is due procedure and they only want what’s best for their daughter.
4. Keep conversation light
Avoid putting your points across too vehemently, especially if it is one that is opposite the one being presented by either the mom or dad, or another senior member of the family.
You’re just about the first impressions here, so try keep the conversation light and stay off controversial topics or those that could degenerate into arguments.
5. Don’t get drunk
You might be offered alchohol especially if her folks drink, and that’s fine.
However, if you accept the offer, be careful never to get drunk. No matter freely the booze flows, DO NOT GET HIGH ON IT.
6. Offer to help
Your hosts, your bae’s family would have put some effort into making you comfortable on your visit. The least you can do is offer to help with some chores while you are there.
Most times, they’ll decline but still, you need to offer that assistance.
It looks good on you to be courteous.
7. Appreciate them
There’s a big chance that her parents were informed about your coming, and they actually put things in place to entertain you and make you feel as comfortable as possible.
You can absolutely charm them by being appreciative. Never forget, parents are big on politeness, courtesy and all that.
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